Living as Dinah!
Some days I feel like being in this play, The Dixie Swim Team, has taken over my life. It is so much fun and yet so much work, to learn all the lines and where to stand or sit when I say them, and how to say them. And if we flub our lines and ad lib, then we mess up the next actor’s lines who was waiting on our correct line for her cue. It is much more involved than I ever dreamed it would be. But I’m glad I’m doing it, it’s a great learning experience.
Meanwhile I’m a little more Dinah in my speech and behavior each day as I try to get into her character. The hardest thing, (probably for my poor husband…but then it was his idea that I audition and give this a try!), is she’s totally opposite me. She’s a southern woman, hard drinking successful trial lawyer, very sarcastic and never married with no children. And did I mention it’s really fun too??
Show times are Friday, Oct. 16 and Saturday, Oct. 17 @ 7:30 p.m. and Sunday afternoon @ 2 p.m. at Universtiy of Pittsburgh at Bradford Bromely Theater, Bradford, PA.
I finally have a literary agent. I hope she’ll be able to sell my new novel, I know the wheels of the publishing world move slowly for all of us who are not celebrities. But to have an agent is a big deal for me as it is for most writers. Now I’ll be able to really focus on writing instead of all the business connected with it…well, once this play is over.
Till next time… Ann