Archive for December, 2008

Happy Holidays…

Monday, December 8th, 2008

I tell myself after each blog entry, I’m going to write entries on a more regular basis and then life keeps getting in the way.  And now already it’s only 17 days till Christmas.

 Since my last blog, we’ve had a death in the family; and two close friends have died, one from an accident and one from a chronic illness. Somehow funerals provide a reality check on what’s really important. Most of the things that keep us striving for goals, you know the busy-busy routines we seem to fall into especially at this time of the year… just really don’t matter measure up in the overall scheme of things.

My mother continues to receive chemo treaments and so far hasn’t suffered the worst negative side effects. She’s extremely tired and I can feel her backbones when I hug her. That’s a first. Even though it does invlove tears and sadness, watching my parents as they cope together through this ordeal is refreshingly sweet.  Sixty two years has given them a bond that makes even their children and grandchildren feel somewhat like outsiders. And that’s as it should be.

I appreciate the many readers who continue to express interest in Runaway Grandma, I have several speaking engagemnets scheduled for after the first of the year and it continues to sell. Meanwhile, I’ve been preparing my next novel for the editorial process.

Today as I write, a blizzard is whipping snow by my window in near constant white outs, definitley a good day to stay home and be cozy!  And perhaps start making Christmas cookies, writing cards and wrapping gifts. Did I mention I was going to try to be less involved with the busyness of the season this year?? Well, actually I have cut back a bit on my decorating and other preparations. But seeing smiles of joy on my grandchildren’s faces as they anticipate our family traditions is a very good thing. So with that I’ll sign off till next year.

I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a great 2009.
