Happy Holidays

I finally finished the revisions on my third novel today. Woohoo!!  I will drop it off for the BIG critique tomorrow.  I feel like I can start really feeling like Christmas now… maybe. It’s my first Christmas without Mom. And my first Christmas in 30 years that I haven’t sent a short Christmas letter to family and friends. I just didn’t have the heart for it this year. 

We had a lovely Thanksgiving, all the children, their mates and all the grandchildren were here plus my father, my sister and her husband and some dear friends. It was a houseful and everyone cherished the time together.

Our house is all decked out for Christmas, the cards and packages have all been sent and the shopping is mostly done.  I’ve read a couple wonderful Christmas novels and watched a few good movies. Most notably UNSTOPPABLE with Denzel Washington and THE NEXT THREE DAYS with Russel Crowe. Both were filmed in Western PA and both were riveting adrenaline rushes!

The best Christmas novel I’ve read in a few years is CHRISTMAS WITH TUCKER by Greg Kincaid. It is a prequel to last year’s Hallmark movie hit, A DOG NAMED CHRISTMAS. (That is also a very good movie.)

Our second BIG snow of the year is happening as I type. Outside it’s like a blizzard with lots of snow coming down and blowing every which way and so very cold. Our dog has to be coaxed out to do his necessary business.

I’ve been a Hot Flash Queen for a number of years now. But it is so cold today that I actually have a small electric heater under my desk blowing on my feet to keep them warm!

I hope I will soon have some good news about my next book, till then keep reading but be selective.  If you don’t like a book by page fifty, move on and read one you do like. My mother always said, “Life is to short for bad books!”

Best wishes to you all for a good year in 2011.


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