Happy Easter

My days just seem to melt away…I don’t know where the time goes. I know it’s been awhile since I’ve written anything on my blog. Where to start?  I met so many nice people  on  March 11 when I was a guest of the Olean Library. I was so pleased the next day when they chose Runaway Grandma for their September Reading Group, I’m even invited to lead the discussion. It’s always fun to listen to readers perception on the characters I created!

In the last two weeks four excitting things happened in my writing world. Bookworm Sez, a syndicated Book Reviewer notified me that she would review Runaway Grandma. Then the St. Marys, PA Daily Press started a new weekly Book Reveiw column which will be written by local librarians; Runaway Grandma was chosen as the first book to be reviewed. And it was a beautiful review.

 ForeWord Magazine will promote Runaway Grandma at the London Book Expo in April and at the US Book Expo in May in Los Angeles, along with other books they represent. They also will run an ad for Runaway Grandma in their May/June issue which goes to librarians and booksellers  in the US and Canada.

Finally, The Hound 97.5 Radio Station accepted a few books for call-in giveaways and their delightful Jeanne Brooks interviewed me today. The interview will be on the air next Monday afternoon at 1 pm. I hope I don’t sound as bad as I thought I did while we were talking!

On top of all that, I’ve been making preparations for Easter, all ten grandchildren, their parents and some friends will be here for Easter dinner Sunday afternoon. And, of course, I have a special activity prepared for my SS class for this Sunday morning.

It’s still been snowing but not enough that I’ve had to shovel. I put the sleds away till next winter, I hope we won’t need them for Easter!

That’s all for now.


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