Runaway Giveaway Contest Winners Announced
I can’t believe it’s been a month since I blogged! My only defense is it’s been really busy time for me. I’ve done three more radio interviews which have become easier and more fun as I’ve learned to relax and enjoy the interview process. I’ve spoken about Runaway Grandma to two Women’s Groups in Mckean Co. and the New Bethlehem Library Book Club in Clarion County, PA.
I’ve also enjoyed visiting three elementary schools to talk to students about the writing process as well as collect their essays for the contest on Why My Grandma Would Never Run Away. During my visits I shared some children’s stories I’ve written. And of course I encourage them to read, read, read! One child said, “But I’m not a good reader.” I told him, “Keep reading, the more you read, the better reader you will be!”
Now, I have to tell you the essays were incredibly difficult to judge, way too many of them read like winners to me. So I ended up adding an Honorable Mention category where seven additonal essays won a copy of Runaway Grandma for their grandmothers. Total of eleven youth winners. The Four First Place Winners of a $50.00 savings bonds plus a copy of the novel are: Jessica and Nicole of Bradford. Justin of Smethport and Noah of Olean. The seven H.M.s are: Lexi and Sarah of Bradford. Julia, Brody and Hayley of Smethport and Tia and Delanie of Bolivar, NY. Certificates were given to all the young writers who particiapted. The response was super and the essays very touching!
Now, for the winners of the adult essay contest about a grandmother or other older woman in their memory or life today. Again the response was terrific and the judging difficult. The winners are: Carol and Lois of Olean, NY. Judith of Chesapeake Beach, MD. and Mary of Bolivar, NY.
A sincere thank you to all of you who took time to write your hearts out about your grandmothers, aunts or other loved ones. There were so many beautful tirbutes!
I’d like to wish all the Mothers who read this much more than a Happy Mothers Day…more like enjoy everyday because you’ve earned the right to be honored and happy more than just one day a year!
Till next time…Ann